February 23, 2015

NEW Catch-up Day & Time

Starting this week, catch-up/open studio will be every Wednesday @ 8am as well as 11:55am. Please check back regularly for updates and changes.

February 18, 2015

Grade 7: Portrait Project

A reminder that the Portrait Project was due last week. If you have not handed in your portrait, there will be open studio this Friday February 20 at 8am. Check back for next week's availability and changes. Below are the artist statement questions for your Portrait Project. 

Artist Statement Questions:
1. What did you learn?
2. What did you do well?
3. What can you improve?

Grade 6: One-Point Perspective Artist Statement Questions

List one thing you did well on this project and one thing you would like to improve.

Grade 6: One-Point Perspective Rubric

Click on the rubric below for a larger view.

Grade 7: Paper Mache Artist Statement Questions

Artist Statement Questions
      1. What was your biggest challenge(s) during this project? (1 mark)

2. If you were to re-do this project, what would you change? Would you do a different athlete? Try a new approach? (2 marks)

3. What do you think you did well during this project? (1 mark)

4. Did the “athlete” turn out the way you anticipated or did it vary from your original sketch? (1 mark)

Grade 7: Paper Mache Rubric

Click on the rubric below for a larger view.

February 08, 2015

No catch-up February 9

A reminder that there will be no catch-up on Monday February 9!!!

February 06, 2015

Grade 6: One-Point Perspective Due Dates

Below are the due dates for grade 6 classes. A reminder that your artist statement is also due on these dates and must be submitted with your one-point perspective. 

6A: Wednesday February 18
6C: Wednesday February 18
6D: Tuesday February 17

February 03, 2015

Grade 7: Portrait Due Dates

Below are the due dates for grade 7 classes. A reminder that your artist statement is also due on these dates and must be submitted with your portrait. 

7C: Tuesday February 10
7D: Thursday February 12
7E: Wednesday February 11